Thank you for this piece, it mirrors my thoughts exactly. Some people on our side seem to be stuck in a Doomer-spiral and are getting tunnel-visioned on only negative outcomes, this is an opportunity that shouldn't be squandered on the usual commiseration. People are used to the minority coalition rolling us back but now there is a wedge in the alliance and influential normies and libs are noticing the contradictions and hypocrisies too.
For example, one of the few cultural taboos that WASP-Americans have left is that Old World politics remain in the Old World. In current year this feeling is usually repressed but when minority groups start foaming at the mouth against each other and bringing their blood-feuds onto the streets it rubs the otherwise complacent regional upper and middle-classes the wrong way. Boomer and Older Gen-Xer elites (People who hold power in Construction, Energy, Farming, Transportation and Natural Resources) are starting to lose patience with the coalition, Zionists chimping out on TV and Middle-Easterners desecrating Nelson's Column are pushing them rightward. Many Boomers and Gen-Xers I know who supported lockdowns and turned a blind-eye to immigration and radical campuses are starting to have their Gamer-Gate moment. On one hand we now have an opportunity to play the Zionists and the Third-Worldists off of one another via recommendations in the article. We also have wealthy WASP Boomers and Gen-Xers who are having their faith in Boomer Truth shaken by declining living standards (Particularly how it affects their struggling children) and the excesses of Zionists and Third-Worldists. Normally they absent mindedly go along with the Globalist project but their faith is beginning to waver and that opens up a path to local patronage networks for our side if we play our cards right. This is not going to happen overnight but we now have maneuvering room and options that we did not have and we need to move past the constant complaining about "current year" and begin taking small steps towards political conversion and alliance building. If we're truly serious we can't LARP on the internet forever and essentially serve as another containment mecahnism for the regime.
That was a great summation of the entire conundrum
Probably the most eloquent description of the entire recent Israeli-Arab affair, and how Europeans can benefit from it. Great read!
It’s the tale of the Golem.
It’s David vs. Goliath, but this time David is Goliath...
Thank you for this piece, it mirrors my thoughts exactly. Some people on our side seem to be stuck in a Doomer-spiral and are getting tunnel-visioned on only negative outcomes, this is an opportunity that shouldn't be squandered on the usual commiseration. People are used to the minority coalition rolling us back but now there is a wedge in the alliance and influential normies and libs are noticing the contradictions and hypocrisies too.
For example, one of the few cultural taboos that WASP-Americans have left is that Old World politics remain in the Old World. In current year this feeling is usually repressed but when minority groups start foaming at the mouth against each other and bringing their blood-feuds onto the streets it rubs the otherwise complacent regional upper and middle-classes the wrong way. Boomer and Older Gen-Xer elites (People who hold power in Construction, Energy, Farming, Transportation and Natural Resources) are starting to lose patience with the coalition, Zionists chimping out on TV and Middle-Easterners desecrating Nelson's Column are pushing them rightward. Many Boomers and Gen-Xers I know who supported lockdowns and turned a blind-eye to immigration and radical campuses are starting to have their Gamer-Gate moment. On one hand we now have an opportunity to play the Zionists and the Third-Worldists off of one another via recommendations in the article. We also have wealthy WASP Boomers and Gen-Xers who are having their faith in Boomer Truth shaken by declining living standards (Particularly how it affects their struggling children) and the excesses of Zionists and Third-Worldists. Normally they absent mindedly go along with the Globalist project but their faith is beginning to waver and that opens up a path to local patronage networks for our side if we play our cards right. This is not going to happen overnight but we now have maneuvering room and options that we did not have and we need to move past the constant complaining about "current year" and begin taking small steps towards political conversion and alliance building. If we're truly serious we can't LARP on the internet forever and essentially serve as another containment mecahnism for the regime.
How is the name Striker from the 3rd R? I think more of a union striker.
Frankenstein is pertinent, but the myth of the golem is so on the nose that any other analogy just doesn't have the same oomph.
Edit needed:
“This could be the result of simply the amount of time which has pasted since WWII.”