Jul 1, 2023Liked by Endeavour

This is a great analysis which sums up how I feel about nearly all products the modern ‘entertainment industry’ churns out.

I played a couple of the Uncharted games years ago back in my mid twenties; they reminded me of Indiana Jones and I enjoyed them too, but even then I thought the ‘muh eeeevil Nahtzeeees’ theme that appeared in at least one of them was a bit cringeworthy. Although it was around that time in my life I was becoming ‘red-pilled’ and based regarding the JQ, and had started digging into that period of history which greatly fears investigation, so that might have had something to do with me rolling my eyes at it.

Definitely agree with the fact that they lack the talent, intelligence and imagination to actually create anything new so all they can do is bowdlerise older works which already exist. They are like carrion birds still picking over the sun-bleached bones of a long dead creature, vying for a last scrap of putrescent, decomposing flesh when all the meat has already long since gone. Given that their ideology is fundamentally destructive it doesn’t surprise me in the least that they cannot produce new forms of art; what they do produce - the atrocities they display in galleries - cannot be considered as art in any sense of the word.

From another perspective they cannot create or build a new social order either; just corrupt and destroy the already existing one. Although they like to make lots of noise and claim to be ‘building’ and ‘creating’ a ‘new’ or ‘progressive’ society or whatever else they call it, none of their efforts are actually innovative, creative or constructive at all - just destructive.

It’s like levelling a building to the foundations with explosives and saying it’s a construction site rather than a demolition site.


“This is staler than a fruitcake which has been regifted each year at Christmas for the last decade because nobody wants to eat it, but they feel too guilty to just throw it away.”

This was the icing on that metaphorical musty fruit cake hahaha! I burst out laughing when I heard that!

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You have a terribly monotonous speaking voice.

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