I've always thought that right-wing notions of accelerationism were just as childish as left-wing ideas of "revolution". The idea that people suddenly "wake up" and take action is patently ludicrous as the average person is rather lazy in most regards. Excellent article, Endeavour.

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A well argued piece that will hopefully be widely disseminated.

I have for some time been in awe of Conscious Caracal, Afriforum and all those involved in it and Orania. Those people are an example to us. Hard work, dedication, positivity and above all productivity.

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English Sa'ffer here :

Malema has be touted locally as a potential hitler figure. Political king maker who could pair with the ANC and then eventually supplant them. If my wife's sociology class is anything to go by; the institutions are pushing nothing but antiwhite hatred. It can't get better until it changes. Lastly, our civil orgs are in good shape, and Afriforum is building parallel civil structures. Its the only way to forge ahead and build your own future. Good luck, take heart and don't let apathy overtake you.

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Great article. I didn't even think about South Aftica as a viable counterargument against "accelerating the decline". But this, along with Rhodesia, demonstrates full well the folly of such thinking.

Btw, have you had a chance to visit Orania during your trip to SA? If yes, what did you make of it?

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Unfortunately, I didn't get the chance to visit Orania.

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While I don't want to detract from the overall message, that "accelerationism" isn't a solution, there is a slight caveat in the reality of the situation down in South Africa. Just a few years before Apartheid was ended, Whites in Rhodesia tried to retain their status. And they got attacked by other whites, not just other whites but their own mother country, who betrayed them and helped the local africans win the Rhodesian Bush War. This is in my opinion reason number one for why organised routes of action with intend to do violence have not been taken. If US and Europe falls to a similar level (unlikely imo, but who can foretell the future), this outside influence will no longer be a factor to consider. And while I suspect that both the blacks and the whites would be emboldened, I cannot say who would profit more from this different dynamic.

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First time subscriber and excellent piece. Whilst slightly black-pilling in the sense that it seems the masses will just allow a slide into decline with no resistance, I do sense more people are at least waking up and the antics in South Africa and recently France are part of that awakening.

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Macron won in France despite accelerating impoverishment, Islamic immigration and terror attacks in 2017. Biden won in 2020 despite his foot soldiers wreaking havoc nationwide, CoViD lockdowns and gender & climate nonsense. So, you have convinced me that the masses will consume the Kool-Aid no matter how ill it makes them. However, as always, the masses would follow a new Elite.

"Accelerationism", i.e., sitting on your hands, shouldn't be anyone's plan because it would take decades, if not centuries, of gradually increasing suffering. I'm sure the vast majority of black South Africans are anti-genocide, so there won't be a civil war anytime soon. That typed, if the current trajectory isn't altered by the hard work you describe, accelerationism is how the anti-white regimes lose power.

South Africa (and Rhodesia) fell to race communism due to pressure from without. Eventually, the West will decline to the point that it is no longer able (or willing) to project force overseas. The aid will stop while food production falls; people will begin to starve. Organised groups of particularly zealous individuals will then seize power, either of the entire State or autonomous zones within.

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I like Devon Stack aka Blackpilled, but he pushes non-violent accelerationism and he doesn’t believe there’s a political solution to our problems. He thinks ppl should get out of big cities, and build communities of like minded individuals, ie Orinia. If you tried to build a town like that in the USA, the Fed govt would shut it down and likly burn it down, ie Waco. Bottom line, there’s no easy solutions, and it’s going to take a bit of everything. I have hope for the NJP movement in the USA, it could take decades, but you have to start somewhere.

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SA has been cozying up to Russia. I suspect the reason we hear about farm murders now is that America is prepping the ground for regime change.

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I don't see any evidence of that. The American media is making excuses for Malema and downplaying farm murders. Doing otherwise would be too damaging to their narratives at home.

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I feel it is worth pointing out that the riots in the United States of Summer 2020 barely touched rural and middle America. While there was talk that violence and burning in those areas would have produced a violent response (and it would have) local law enforcement almost always put a stop to it before it reached that point. There were exceptions like Kenosha of course. I feel I should further mention that just because there were widespread protests across the country, that does not mean they all got out of control. Most of that meant stopping ANTIFA before they could act on any bright ideas and never letting the feds get involved (you should see what they tried to stir up in Denver).

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This is the best piece I have read on this topic (and there have been a lot this week.) Keep up the good work!

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In regards to accelerationism I use this thought experiment: Imagine a day when the U.S. Mexico border is abandoned by federal authorities because the U.S. can no longer afford to maintain any border security. The regime would not frame this as a symptom of collapse even if the reason is they couldn't afford to payroll border security. It is far more likely that metapolitics will prevail and it won't be our brand. The border collapse will be sold to the public as the fall of the Berlin Wall 2.0 and the leftists will double down even as other federal agencies dissolve in this scenario due to financial trouble. It is far more likely that accelerationism would be leveraged more by our advisories than ourselves.

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May I add that you are missing something here

White Afrikaners do not really see SA as their home, this is evident in the fact that, when Whites cannot find jobs or have difficulty in SA they instantly start thinking of moving away to Netherlands, UK, Australia etc places where they have heritage and connection and family.

So they have a "backup" place in their mind always, and every Afrikaner knows an Afrikaner who moved away. They miss SA, because of the unique Afrikaner culture and the good weather, but beyond that there is no connection

Look up any Reddit thread of white Afrikaners they are always talking about leaving SA and moving to some Anglophone country bc crime here is bad/no electricity blah blah.

And if I may add, it's mostly liberal types that leave that are urban/comfort seeking. Those that have it in them, stay in SA andalways will. There's a certain people who enjoy the danger :)

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