I get yours and Fortissax' idea of what Canada was, and agree Canada is a country founded by Europeans and tossing out the Globalists and rebuilding is an ideal. But you've illustrated Canada is already effectively colonized (that's what multiculturalism is, movement of people with the biological dispositions, culture, traditions and laws who take over or colonize areas like our big cities). No, ideally, we are a different people from the liberal revolutionaries who founded the US. But there are legal benefits to the US constitution we could use. First, the biggest threat we have are the powers conferred by the Canada Act 1867 to the federal government, section 91, making Canada far more centralized, including the criminal law, Emergency Power, and treaty making power. There is also no provincial right to form militias. Just imagine how defanged the globalists who become if Alberta say controled the criminal law. I also think you underestimate how hate laws will be used. It is literally impossible to oppose tyranny without hate and yesterdays victim groups are just as likely as we know today, to be the future or present tyrants. The first amendment in the US depends, not as the positivists and liberals think, on the words written in a document, but on a relatively homogenous culture that believes it. Joining the US would be of no use in globalist dominated places like pretty much everywhere east of the Sask border, or west of the Alberta one. But the dominant culture in an Alberta or Sask would make the first amendment function very well to protect speech. All this to say, you don't actually need to join the US. You declare independence from the Eastern colonizers and you put in place a US style constitution. As you say. the Canadian military is so weak the Feds would be paralized and incapable of responding with the force necessary. Could this happen? Perhaps it is too late as we have seen with both Poilievre and Danielle Smith, who took the Trudeau/Carney Liberal Team Canada bait, hook line and sinker, demonstrating the pathetic lack of Leadership on the centre right. That is not a good sign.

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Interesting listen thanks Endeavour, as an Englishman there was a lot of crossover with what’s happening here.

I hope Canada saves itself.

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